Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you had a good weekend.

This is the first entry to my blog. Today is pretty quiet right now. It rained this morning and is still cloudy. I am still waiting on the results of my CAT scan that I had done last week, I guess I am going to have to call the doctors office again. When I called on Friday the results had gotten lost in cyber space and they had to resend them.

Here is the my first digital layout

This is of my youngest son Daniel. This was his 7th grade Christmas recital at the Temple. He plays the clarinet.

(credit: kit Music Kit by Marcee J. Duggar, music notes and clarinets are clip art. Blue background paper is from Sams Blocks by Cathy Krenek (aka twoboyz00))

This one is of Daniel also it is his 8th grade Christmas Recital.

(credits: Kit Music to My Ears by Carla Ware

I have more that I will post later.

AVON News:We are working on Campaign 16. Be sure to check out the brochure online at you will have to register to be able to look at the brochure.

Please have your C/16 order to me by Tuesday July 31!Some sales that are going on in C/16 are:With every $10.00 brochure purchase you can get 1 of your favorite naturals shower gels for just $.99.

Don't forget about bug guard any 2 for $10.00

Also Anew products are on sale in this campaign. If there is anything that I can help you on let me know!!

I will have more later.......

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